The potato is a starchy, root vegetable that originated in southern Peru. Today, it is the the fourth-largest food crop worldwide and is a staple in many different cuisines. (Read more about potatoes on Wikipedia.)
Shepody - Shepody might not be a familiar name but odds are you've probably had it before in french fry form. Shepodies were specifically bred for their fry-appropriateness up in New Brunswick in the '70s - it took over 250,000 seedlings to get the perfect Shepody plant! (This is a good recipe for Shepody french fries.)
Potatoes are a surprisingly good source of many essential vitamins and minerals. They are high in vitamin C, fiber, niacin, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and manganese. Potatoes are also one of the best sources of vitamin B6, which helps break down carbohydrates and also supports a wide range of nervous system activity. Contrary to popular belief, potatoes also have more potassium per serving than bananas! To get the most nutrients out of your potatoes, try baking or steaming instead of frying. (See more potato nutrition facts on
Potatoes should be kept in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. If you choose to store potatoes in a plastic bag for more than a couple days make sure there are holes punched in the bag and that the bag isn't sealed. We recommend storing potatoes separately from onions. Fingerling potatoes can be refrigerated, other varieties should not be stored in the fridge. Use fingerlings as quickly as possible for the best flavor!
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