Image credit to: Joshua Graveline for Boston Organics
1. Preheat oven to 375°F with rack in upper third. Oil or butter muffin tins.
2. Sift together whole-wheat pastry flour, baking powder, baking soda, spices and salt.
3. In separate bowl, beat together eggs, sugar, oil, buttermilk and vanilla.
4. Using whisk or spatula, stir in dry ingredients and mix until well combined. Do not beat; a few lumps are fine, but make sure there is no flour at bottom of bowl.
5. Fold in raisins or pecans and carrots. Spoon into muffin cups, filling them to just below the top (about 4/5 full).
6. Place in oven, and bake 25 minutes until lightly browned and well risen.
Martha Rose Shulman advises that these keep for a couple of days out of the refrigerator, for a few more days in the refrigerator and for a few months in the freezer.