Image credit to: Chris McIntosh for Boston Organics
Wash and slice the cucumbers into spears, or in wheels for pickle chips.
In a large pot, combine vinegar, water and salt. Bring to a simmer.
Arrange jars on counter and dole out the spices into each. Pack the cucumber slices firmly into the jars. You don't want to damage the cucumbers, but you do want them packed tightly.
Pour the brine into the jar, leaving approximately ½ inch headspace. Tap jars gently on countertop to dislodge any trapped air bubbles.
Apply lids and let jars cool. When they've returned to room temperature, place jars in refrigerator. Let them sit for at least 48 hours before eating.
This basic technique can be applied to green beans, okra, garlic scapes, hot peppers, cauliflower and summer squash. Makes 3 pints.