Image credit to: Beth Harris
Heat oil in Dutch oven until shimmering and add onion. Allow to cook for 5 or so minutes until softened. Add cabbage, cover pot and allow to cook about 15 minutes, until starting to brown, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Stir in rice and salt and stir until rice is coated. Add 3 cups liquid, bring to boil, stirring occasionally and reduce heat to simmer. Cook stirring occasionally, untilĀ bottom of pan is dry when rice is pulled back., about 10 minutes. Add wine and simmer while stirrong until all is absorbed. Add additional water/broth in 1/2 cup increments, allowing each to absorb, until mixture is creamy and rice is al dente, about 10 minutes.
Stir in parmesan. Serve in wide bowls, garnished with bacon and additional parmesan.
Serves 3-4